Call me Mrs. Bob Vila or else....I don't know what it is about spring arriving this past Friday but since then all I have wanted to do was work on my house(or maybe it's the fact that April 4
th marks the 1year of being a homeowner).

After one fellow blog reader always talked about my squeaky door I decided it was time to spend some money and buy
WD-40. That stuff is like's addictive. Nothing longer squeaks and I am taking it to work tomorrow for squeaky doors there.
Speaking of sugar...since happy hour doesn't start on Friday till 5pm, I generally bake for friends. This week I tried a new chocolate chip cookie recipe that required Sea Salt on top. Everyone seemed to enjoy them but I thought the salt ruined something usually so good.

After playing some golf and beach volleyball on Saturday, I was ready for some dirty work outside.

this picture makes my garden look dead but give me three weeks when things will be blooming.

My chive plant came back! It's been transported from 3 houses.

To the average person this looks like a picture of my kitchen but I took this picture to show my parents the under cabinet lights I installed. *If you plan to do this yourself buy/burrow an electrical snake. I had a funny moment when I was stuck under the kitchen sink and knew my roommate wouldn't be home till Monday night.

I love to have people over for Welcome to my fake roof top deck(aka my backyard concrete slab.

But in order to have the pretty lights outside, I had to install an outdoor outlet. I thought this would be a simple project but when you are dealing with a 100year old house nothing is quick or simple.
The following pictures are for my sister...but enjoy if you care to look!
No holiday is ever complete without something turtle related.

I finally have a house where I can put out my lovely Easter dishes my mom bought me three years ago! I am currently crafting something for the center.

My new ottoman from Target with the Easter egg lights in the background.

My door can never go a season without a's what I bought from
JoAnn Fabrics.

Next update will hopefully be the crown molding put up with my latest toy!
Your house is very cute, good luck on all the renovating/decorating.
CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your degree!
We need to get drinks!
ooh i want those cookies!
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