In the future(once I find more money) I would like to replace the risers, treads, and railing but until then I need some suggestions. Should I paint the stairs black and hide all the imperfections or make a dusty mess and sand the stairs?

On April 4,2008 I took the chance of a lifetime to own my very own house. Follow along as I take chances in rehabbing a house with limited skills learned from growing up. I'm sure there will be some tears shed, blood & bruises, and lots of sweat....but isn't that what life is all about? Taking risks(chances) on something you never imagined possible.
Do you stairs creak? Mine did, and if yours do too, then don't bother sanding. I'd suggest just adding new risers and treads - not an easy job, but the look is worth it.
I still need to fix the balusters and banister though...
By the way, I love the second set of stairs you picture and the ones with storage. I wish my banister and balusters looked as good as the second, and the storage is cool for the last one, but building those stairs must take some craftmanship!
I love that you say this is to make me happy! LOL! But I'm more than happy to help in making YOU happy with the stairs if that's the project you want to do.
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